I have been fortunate to meet such wonderful people involved in the horse world and when they reflect back to me with Testimonials I am so blessed.
Linda Brown of Prairie Gem Stables in Omaha, Nebraska.
If you are looking for someone who will teach you how to have fun with your horse, Mark M. Hanna is the one. He has done a couple of clinics for us, here at
Prairie Gem Stables, and we love what he does and teaches. Some people think it isn’t about having fun with horses, but they couldn’t be more wrong. Mark teaches you how to gain the horses’ trust and in return, the horse learns respect for the owner/handler. Mark has so much to share with those who want to learn. He has spent time with our black stallion “Momentum NA” who really enjoys the time with Mark. And, I’ve never seen anyone who can work with the babies like Mark does. It isn’t just “watch me and see what I can do”. He teaches you.

Mohktar’s Midnite Star
Ron Jones to Mokhtars Midnite Star August 2, 2015
I’m delighted that my Midnite Star has such a wonderful home and owner, Lee Alexander. Since the death of my wife and my own situation, I needed to find a good home for this guy and check out
maidnearme.ca. He was born on our place, one of several foals from our
Lord Mokhtar….he’s a special horse and now has a special loving owner. Thank you, Lee, for giving him a better life, and a huge thank you to Mark Hanna, the “Horse Listener”. Mark M. Hanna took this guy in hand quickly and gently (he’d not been haltered in almost 4 yrs.), no hassles, no fight. Midnite Star became almost docile, friendly and trusting through Mark’s amazing ability to communicate with him and be
In His Mind site, and loaded for the long haul from Billings, MT to Council Bluffs with absolutely no issues. Anyone needing someone to work with their horses needs to contact Mark M. Hanna. I’ve seen many “wannabe” trainers and so-called pros over 40 plus years with Arabian horses. I will guarantee, there are none better than Mark M. Hanna.
Bethany Averitt Bonham, regarding her meeting *Shahwan GASB Salem Oregon, 1993

*Shahwan GASB 1981-2002
I found your Facebook page completely by accident… it’s nice to find you, Mark M Hanna!
How I met Shahwan… I was at a show in Salem (many years ago!); it was a long day and I was about to head home. Mark insisted I stop by his stalls to see the new guy. OK, I said, I’m tired but probably won’t be at the show tomorrow, so I’ll take the time. WHEW!!! Mark brought him out (not show groomed, thankfully), and I just stood back with my mouth hanging open. Mark said I could pet him if I wanted. I laid a hand on his neck and began to cry. This kind, gentle soul turned to me with a look that said, “It’s OK!”. I’ve never had a horse move me to tears before. I wrapped my arms around his neck, buried my face in his mane and got it out of my system. From that moment on, I was a die-hard
Shahwan fan… and always will be.