Chapter Nine

The Big Decision!


My whole family is always involved when big decisions are made. The proposal from Dr. Marsufi needed to be discussed earnestly. RA Inshallah (Inny) was owned by my grandpa, Mike Chapman. Inny was a gift from R’ Ammeri, Sheykh of the Ruala tribe. Mike also owned *Shahwan GASB, the sire of the two full siblings from Inny, my Dazshtan and Bint Shahwan. I was given the privilege of educating both. But I was Dazshtan’s special person. I would be with him until I was given another assignment. Bint would be placed into the capable hands of Rashad after she is delivered to the Wadi Sirhan. My job with Inny would be done then. I had taken on these assignments seriously. I had grown close to my partner. Knowing that Dazshtan was not mine had to be settled in my mind. There were many issues raised at the family meeting at the Szechuan Restaurant in Bend.

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