Chapter Twenty-One

The Ruala and Bdul
Come Together.


Emissaries Report:

We met with the tribal elders, Sheykh Ameeri, and explained to them our concerns. They were in the process of dealing with the rogue elements of their youth and especially the individual youth Shabbar. They extend sincere apologies for the troubles experienced because of their youth. Also, the honor they share with the majority of the tribes in the horse breeding areas has not changed. They request a meeting between the Ruala and Bdul tribal elders to discuss answers to the tragedy that befell you, Sheykh. They requested the meeting to be held at the tents of the Ruala.

The Sheykh agreed and sent an emissary to confirm the meeting; They agreed. In three days, the combined council of the two tribes will meet solemnly.
The atmosphere among the people of the Ruala was tense concerning their neighbors the Bdul. Peace dominated the relations between the two tribes for decades. Their sharing of bloodlines helped strengthen the outcrosses to assure their genetic prepotency. How will this affect our relations in the future? They wondered.
Mike, Walter, and Rahman decided to stay to participate in the conference. Matthew dismissed his allied Bedouin and promised to return to them after the conference was completed. The revelation that his father was Mike Chapman, my grandfather, assured him of the importance of the decision he made to accompany me to warn of the potential danger for Bint and the traveling party. He was thankful for his father’s influence on him as he grew up. Especially the gift that he had to follow the spirit that guided him.
His father taught him stories about his belief in pre-existence before we passed through the veil into our earthly existence. The promises we made with our animals and our companions in this beautiful world that God created for us was the challenge we faced. God gave us free choice. But our faith in His spirit will guide us in our goals to find our soulmates.
Meeting the offspring of the stallion Shahwan whom he loved in his youth and then catching up to his father in the middle of nowhere strengthened his faith in God and miracles. He prayed that justice would prevail among the youth that stole Bint causing so much harm to horses and riders alike. This also allowed him to catch up with his father he hadn’t seen for thirty-two years.
Faithful servants of the Sheykh provided for our needs when we arrived from our meeting with their leader. Bint and Dazshtan were granted particular care. They both recovered quickly owing to their tender care. I continued to wear the keffiyeh. Knowing the cultural differences in the Arab world, I decided to keep my gender hidden.
A suspenseful mood permeated the crowd as we awaited the arrival of the contingent of tribal elders.
A ceremonial event marking the arrival of our guests was postponed until all the issues confronting them were solved. The Sheykh emphasized that they were our brothers and are due the respect they deserve. Quietly, without fanfare, our guests arrived. Servants took care of their horses and the camels that carried their supplies and their tents.
Walter, Mike, and Rahman, (the doctor’s name) were adopted and granted a special place within the tribe. They wore a copper bracelet especially given which signified their membership in the tribe. They were all invited to attend. Rashad insisted that Mathew and I also attend since we were honored guests as well as important witnesses. The itinerary for the conference between the elders followed a traditional format. Some issues needed to be resolved. No blame was given to them. They were granted the opportunity to state their case. The desire was to strengthen their relationships.
There was a large open tent with comfortable seating on the floor for all. The tradition of strong coffee was served all around.
Seated next to Sheykh Ammeri was Rashad. Among his many brothers and sisters, he was chosen to fill his father’s role as leader of the tribe. His desire to learn and take up the mantle, of the future of the many allied tribes and their integrated breeding programs that provided the mare families with their breeding programs. I have seen his dedication as we apprenticed at Al Ahmann. Newfound skills learned at the Stud and my family’s veterinary practice in Oregon signaled a bright future for the equine bloodlines of his tribe.
He has come a long way to understand the nature of the Arabian horse. The relationship he developed with his war mare, Basmah, was based on trust and respect. Like his father has said,” I bathe her with tears of joy every morning.” He cherishes her. Their loyalty to one another was evident. I saw his tremendous growth in the last six years.
With formalities concluded, the elders heard the case of the theft from both sides. This suspicion that existed was quelled upon hearing that the youth that perpetrated that scheme had been punished severely. Those youth lost their privileges. No longer will they seek to compete with the western world in their faulted ways. Their sins were forgiven, but their punishment was great. They will act as servants to the Arabian horse and provide for their means. Acting as grooms and learning from the elders to end their evil practices.
Among the group of elders that attended were experienced horsemen. They all held a mutual concern and agreed that the Arabian horse was being diminished by the western world. They vowed to preserve the traditions and practices of centuries regarding the husbandry of the Arabian horse.
They witnessed, in the rest of the world, the destruction of the base that produced the great pedigrees and bloodlines. They had abandoned what made the horse strong. They desired to win at all costs even though they were destroying the foundation that created the Arabian horse in the first place.
Politics, greed, and abuse were permeating their view of the western world’s growing practices to achieve their goals of glory. They vowed together as brothers with the common goal to help preserve the bloodlines that have been lost.
The elders mutually agreed that the survival of the horse that took them throughout the ages through the desert in their nomadic ways was their number one goal. The Sheykh introduced Mike and Walter to the Honored Guests that have agreed.
“With their assistance, they can teach us to learn to listen to our horses ‘as they whisper to us, we become the ‘horse listener’ as Mike has often shared with me. Their wisdom is valued in our tribe. I pray that our guests will invite them into their community. We have vowed to be dedicated to the preservation of the bloodlines and the unique temperament that is unique to the Arabian horse. We are indeed brothers in this cause”.









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